Payroll process no longer takes much time.

One-day payroll process, for a better sleep at night.

Payroll process no longer takes much time.

One-day payroll process, for a better sleep at night.

Data integration


Analytical Report

Easy tax report

All the required data is already available in the system

Mostly, companies take 5 days to calculate payroll. Payroll process usually takes so long because the required data is not integrated, and needs a long validation process. Validating overtime letter, checking attendance from machine, recapitulating permits, leaves, etc. JPayroll maximizes all the processes because all the needed data are available in one system. And our system is ready to manage the data automatically for you. Payroll process by just one click and all reports can be accessed easily.

All the required data is already available in the system

Mostly, companies take 5 days to calculate payroll. Payroll process usually takes so long because the required data is not integrated, and needs a long validation process. Validating overtime letter, checking attendance from machine, recapitulating permits, leaves, etc. JPayroll maximizes all the processes because all the needed data are available in one system. And our system is ready to manage the data automatically for you. Payroll process by just one click and all reports can be accessed easily.

Employee Data
Setup Payroll Mudah

Unlimited Flexibility

General software payroll problem is system inability to do the payroll process based on your own companies’ policies. If there is any change in rules, the programmer will customize the system by adding thousands of new lines of code. But now you can customize your own payroll system according to your company’s needs. With Payroll Formula function in JPayroll, the system can be configured based on your own company’s payroll calculation. The system can also take data directly and calculate it automatically.

More Complete Analytical Report

After you finish calculating the payroll. Have you ever reanalyzed your payroll report? Is this amount correct? Have you ever compared it to last month’s data and analyzed it? Generally, companies don’t do these because preparing payroll calculation already takes a lot of time. But, with JPayroll you can get payroll analysis reports as soon as you do the payroll process. Now your reports are not only fast, complete, but also give you analytical information that helps you analyze the data better.

Analytical Report

Your tax report is done just in minutes

JPayroll will automatically do tax calculations according to applicable tax regulations. At the end of the period, you can directly download CSV ESPT PPh21 then upload it to ESPT 2114 application and report to DJP Online portal. Now you don’t have to repeat the calculation process for reporting SPT PPh21. Because we’ve calculated the tax for you.