Measure and Improve Employee Performance with JPayroll KPI Feature

Measure and Improve Employee Performance with JPayroll KPI Feature

Determine your assessment parameter

360 Employee assessment

assessment format variation

data integration
Define Parameters Of Employee Performance Assessment
On KPI from JPayroll you can define your own parameter of employee performance assessment according to your own company’s standard. You can determine weight rating for each parameter. You can also define a target for every assessment parameter.

Define Parameters Of Employee Performance Assessment
On KPI from JPayroll you can define your own parameter of employee performance assessment according to your own company’s standard. You can determine weight rating for each parameter. You can also define a target for every assessment parameter.

Your Employee Performance Can Be Rated By Anyone
Employee performance can be assessed by direct supervisor, teammates or even subordinates. On JPayroll you can determine who will evaluate your employee’s performance. You can define a rater without certain limitations.
Convenience Of Assessment Form
Employee performance assessment display on JPayroll is designed to make it easier for assessments. You can define Employee Assessment form based on how you need it.

Data Integration For Your Assessment Needs
Besides assessing every user, you can also do an assessment setup using available data on system such as attendance data, discipline, and other data on the system. You can also integrate data from outside the system for your employee performance assessment.