Your Retirement Reminder and Your Partner In Calculating Severance Pay

Your Retirement Reminder and Your Partner In Calculating Severance Pay

Retirement age reminder

formulate calculation based on policies

gratuity calculation

income tax calculation
Reminder For Employees Who Have Entered Retirement Age
JPayroll gives an easy way for users to get list of employees who have entered retirement age. This will be very useful for HR to prepare a list of severance pay recipients and pensions for company cost analysis.

Reminder For Employees Who Have Entered Retirement Age
JPayroll gives an easy way for users to get list of employees who have entered retirement age. This will be very useful for HR to prepare a list of severance pay recipients and pensions for company cost analysis.

Set The Employee Severance Payment Formulation In Accordance With Applicable Rules.
By default JPayroll Severance Pay Management feature has been set up according to applicable regulations. However, for companies that want to add certain 13th payments or calculations, you can adjust the system according to company’s internal policies.
Set Gratuity Formulation In Accordance With Applicable Rules
By default, Retirement Management feature on JPayroll application has been set up according to applicable regulations. However, for companies that want to add certain 13th payments or certain calculations, you can adjust the system according to the company’s internal policies.

Integrated With Applicable Tax Calculation
In accordance with the applicable regulation, severance pay will be calculated under certain tax schemes. The calculation of severance pay on JPayroll application already supports calculation of severance pay based on the applicable tax regulations.